We're accepting newborns only if expectant parents have scheduled and kept a FREE "get-acquainted" visit with one of our providers, or if you already have children who are patients of our clinic. Thank you!

International Adoptions: An Overview

International Adoption

McKenzie Pediatrics 2010

What We Do At The Pre-Adoption Visit:

Requirements of Permanent Residency Visa Medical Examination:

Initial Office Medical Evaluation: (Usual Duration 1-1.5 hours)

The “delivery” of international adoptees often involves long airplane flights across multiple time zones in the company of strangers, possibly including new parents, only to arrive in a foreign environment and meet more strangers. It is therefore advised, so that the new parents and the child may adapt to each other, that the initial medical visit be delayed 2-4 weeks, unless an acute or unstable condition is present. Delaying the initial medical visit will also allow the new parents to spend some time observing the child so they will be able to describe behaviors and define concerns.

Initial Blood Tests:

Other Testing:

Repeat Testing:

Medical Evaluation:


Other Issues:


  1. US Clearinghouse on International Adoption (www.travel.state.gov/adopt.html)
  2. National Adoption Information Clearinghouse (www.calib.com/naic/index.htm)
  3. National Library of Medicine Medline Plus (www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/adoption/html)
  4. Dr. Aronoson, at www.orphandoctor.com
  5. The Immunization Action Coalition (www.immunize.org/adoption/)
  6. CDC (www.cdc.gov/travel/)
  7. Adoption News (www.adoptionews.com)
  8. Families with Children from China (www.fwcc.org)
  9. American Academy of Pediatrics (www.aap.org/sections/adoption)
  10. Adoptive Families (www.adoptivefamilies.com)