We're accepting newborns only if expectant parents have scheduled and kept a FREE "get-acquainted" visit with one of our providers, or if you already have children who are patients of our clinic. Thank you!

Herbal Remedies For GI Complaints

Herbal Remedies for GI Complaints

McKenzie Pediatrics Summer 2005

Parents are often concerned about their child’s nausea, motion sickness, or “tummy ache”. One-third of children will go through phases when they experience vague “tummy aches”, which, while not often medically concerning, still cause the child and the family grief. Some of these children will go on to develop Irritable Bowel Syndrome as adults.

Please be sure to contact us about your child’s “tummy aches” if they are recurrent. We may wish to bring your child in to the office sometime for an evaluation before recommending any treatment. But for children who experience motion sickness, nausea, or abdominal pain associated with stress (such as when a child wants to avoid a stressful situation at school), here are some home remedies for parents to try:

Please avoid using Gripe Water, Chinese Star Anise, and Fennel Seed Oil in children. While still uncommon, these products still have an unacceptable risk of side effects in children.

For more information, check out the website for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, at http://nccam.nih.gov