We're accepting newborns only if expectant parents have scheduled and kept a FREE "get-acquainted" visit with one of our providers, or if you already have children who are patients of our clinic. Thank you!

COVID-19 Quarantine vs Isolation Guide For Parents

Guide For Parents:  COVID-19 Quarantine or Isolation?

Asymptomatic: having no symptoms of COVID-19, in particular fever, cough, shortness of breath, or loss of taste and/or smell

Quarantine keeps away from others (outside the home) an individual who is asymptomatic but who was in close contact with someone who has symptoms of possible COVID-19, or who has tested positive for the virus.

Isolation keeps an individual who is sick, or who is asymptomatic but has tested positive for COVID-19, away from others (including in the same home)

All children in the household must remain in home quarantine for10 days after the start of the family member’s symptoms, or 14 days from the positive test result if the family member asymptomatic. The children’s temperatures should be checked twice daily, and they should be watched for symptoms of COVID-19

The child must remain in home quarantine for 14 days from the initial contact. The child may be tested for COVID-19, and if “negative” must still remain in home quarantine for 14 days from the initial contact. If at any point during the 14 day period after the initial contact symptoms develop, even if the child has previously tested negative, re-testing may be advised.

The child must remain in home isolation for 10 days after COVID-19 testing, AND until 24 hours after fever is gone, and symptoms of acute infection have improved. Ideally, the child should stay in specific “sick room” or area and away from other people or animals, including pets. Use a separate bathroom, if available.

The child should stay in home isolation until 10 days since symptoms first appeared, AND 24 hours with no fever, AND symptoms improving.

Follow the school guidelines for return-to-school. Our advice cannot override school guidelines. If you desire that your child be tested, this can be arranged Monday through Friday by contacting our office. Testing on weekends will only be through a local urgent care or emergency department, and only if your child has significant symptoms of COVID-19.