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Breakfast Foods

Breakfast Ideas

McKenzie Pediatrics 2024

Before we get to some great breakfast food options, a few words about some bad ones. Most of the time when children tell us what they ate for breakfast, it was something unhealthy such as:

We’d like to offer a list of better options. But before we do, a few reminders:

Here are a few better breakfast options:

Most children do not start their day off right with good food, which means their brains and bodies are not starting off their day ready to learn and be happy and active. Most schools do not offer nutritious foods for breakfast (and on top of that they offer sugary “chocolate” milk to drink!) so try your best to avoid having your child eat breakfast at school. With a little preparation on the weekend, it is relatively easy to make sure your child gets a healthy start to their day.

Sure, packaged foods are convenient and may be low-cost up front compared to healthier foods. But make no mistake, these ultra-processed foods that rule the grocery store aisles WILL cost more in the long-run, as they almost inevitably lead to anxiety, depression, impaired learning, fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, obesity, early fatty liver disease cirrhosis, type 2 diabetes, and so on….and all the health care costs that result from these diet-related diseases that are rampant in our modern society.

Thanks for reading!